| Hall Tours (preschoolers) | Fire Engine Rides | Jr.Firefighter Challenge
The Metchosin Fire Department offers hall tours to schools and community groups. The tours provide fire safety training, truck and equipment familiarization and fun activities.
Read the following for submitting your request
- Plan on booking at least 1 month ahead.
- We require 1 chaperone for every 6 attendees.
- Chaperones must remain with their group for the duration of the tour.
- The duration of the hall tour is generally 45 minutes to 1 hour.
The day of the tour
- Arrive on time for your scheduled tour.
- If the crew is out of the hall on emergency response when you arrive, you may call 250-478-1307 for an estimated time back.
- Understand that we are an emergency service and cannot control the timing or frequency of emergency calls.
- During the course of your tour, we may have to respond to an incident.
- Follow the instructions of the crew.
Have a little one that is curious or passionate about fire trucks – please stop in for a visit anytime during the day (8:am-4pm).
Every year at METCHOSIN DAY the Metchosin Firefighters set up our JUNIOR FIREFIGHTER CHALLENGE – hose targets, turnout gear, dummy drag, crawl through & sledge pound.
Are you up for the Challenge?!